Author: GET0019

Síť pro Ukrajinu

Sharing experiences at the final conference

Projekt pro mladé Ukrajince žijící v Česku a Polsku vyvrcholil závěrečnou konferencí. Po 6 intenzivních gastronomických kurzech a jazykových kurzech v Česku a Polsku jsme se konečně všichni sešli v klidné atmosféře Libereckého DOKu, ve kterém se konaly 2 poslední gastronomické kurzy. Vedle účastníků, lektorů a partnerů projektu na konferenci dorazily úředníci, politici a zástupci…
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The sweet spot at the end: the vernissage of photographs from the project

On 1 July 2024, the last event of our project took place in the Boleslawiec Municipal Library – the opening of the opening of the photographs that were taken during the project. The exhibition of photographs, which was open to the public for the whole of July, represented a cross-section of the entire project, which…
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Czech language teaching for Ukrainian youth is in full swing at DDM Smetanka, Nový Bor

Students involved in the Erasmus+ project “Language teaching and application in gastronomy” are working on improving their communication skills in the Czech language. They don’t just sit with textbooks, but thanks to teacher Marcela Meidingerová, the lessons are full of interactive exercises, games and discussions. This will allow them to try out Czech in practical…
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